24 September 2015
Morrissey's novel List of the Lost is published today by Penguin Books (UK)
Morrissey's novel List of the Lost is published today by Penguin Books (UK).
List of the Lost is available now in paperback and ebook formats.
Morrissey has explained:
"The theme is demonology ... the left-handed path of black magic. It is about a sports relay team in 1970s America who accidentally kill a wretch who, in esoteric language, might be known as a Fetch ... a discarnate entity in physical form. He appears, though, as an omen of the immediate deaths of each member of the relay team. He is a life force of a devil incarnate, yet in his astral shell he is one phase removed from life. The wretch begins a banishing ritual of the four main characters, and therefore his own death at the beginning of the book is illusory."