1 July 2015
Morrissey band 2015
Left to right
Boz Boorer, Jesse Tobias, Morrissey, Matthew Ira Walker, Mando Lopez, Gustavo Manzur.
Photograph taken by Damon Anacreonte in New York City, June 2015
Madison Square "fantastic!" says Morrissey, "and ... of course ... zero label interest ... a sad sign of the times".
Photograph by Sam Esty Rayner
Morrissey says "thank you to Blondie, our new friends".
Photographer unknown.
Almost one year on since Steve Barnett (Capitol Records) axed World Peace Is None of Your Business, Morrissey confirms that no record label is willing to re-issue the album. "The curse of Harvest Records" is Morrissey's conclusion.
Photographer unknown.
Morrissey is overwhelmed by bids for the Sydney drum head in aid of Gentle Barn.
Photographer unknown.